Good morning, historians of East Asia!
Today I have two Tuesday Tech Tips for you, in video format.
First up is a refresher of the extension for the chrome browser:
Second is one recommendation for an app to motivate you to keep focused, and one browser extension named Marinara to help you implement the Pomodoro technique developed by Francesco Cirillo:
Drop in tutorials on Zoom: 2-3 PM (link on the course Canvas Homepage under the green header), open to all!
HST107: Zoomzoom! at 4pm (Find the link on the Canvas Homepage under the pink header) Important editorial meeting for the textbook! Please check the course schedule page to find how best to prepare, and also post your initial response to the course materials on the Canvas discussion board.
HST259: keep plugging away on your final project, and prepare the readings, initial post on the discussion forum is due tomorrow.
HST267: Zoomzoom! at 1pm (Find the link on the Canvas Homepage under the pink header. Meet up with your classmates and talk about course materials, assignments, announcements from college. Post your initial response to the course materials on the Canvas discussion board.