Introduction to History (100)
- HST107: China’s Magical Creatures (and where to find them)
- HST124: Half the Sky: Women in Chinese History (Spring 22)
- HST123: fulfills the IL GAR if taken in combination with ATH 273 (Spring 22)
- HST137: People and Their Stuff in Chinese History
Survey courses (200)
- HST259: Korean History (survey of Korean history) (Spring 22)
- HST269: Intro to Traditional China (survey of Chinese history up to 1800)
- HST267: Intro to Traditional Japan (survey course of Japanese history up to ±1850)
- HST271: Modern China (survey course of Chinese history starting in 1600)
Upper level courses
- HST380: Edge of Empire: China’s Foreign Relations before 1800
- HST439/471 (CUE): When East Met West in China (Reading and Research Seminar) (Spring 22 – Fall 22)