Briefing March 20

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the first week of remote learning!


I would love to hear from you about your experience so far: you can just email me, or drop in on the tutorials today (check this google doc to claim a space on the schedule, 2-3pm). How are your other classes going? Is something about the format frustrating you, confusing? Do you have tips or ideas from other classes? How can I improve things for you? What worked this week? How does the new format look? Without your feedback I have no idea if something works for students, or if it’s just a fancy idea that actually doesn’t do anything useful.

HST259: We have our regular Friday Zoom meeting at 11.30am, with some contents to cover, based on the readings for this week. (Zoom link is the same as before, find it on Canvas) Get your two responses on the Canvas discussion in by 10am if you haven’t done so yet.

HST107: Materials for next week will go up on Saturday. Start thinking about the project you’d like to work on. Project Pitch (step 1) is due by Monday 11.59pm. Details for end-of-week reflection will also go out on Saturday, but it will be a chance to think through how learning can happen with remote teaching-learning.

HST267: Materials for next week will go up on Saturday, and details for end-of-week reflection will also go out on Saturday. Your regular weekly reflection will be a bit different this week, to give you a chance to reflect on learning in these unusual circumstances.

Although I said briefings would be Monday through Friday, I may send something during the weekend if I think of something important. For now, pat yourself on the back for getting this far, and add “Zoom Champ” to your set of skills on your CV. Well done, Mules!

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