Day 4: 19 March , 2020

My eyes! 👀

OMG I am exhausted. I have been staring at a screen far more than usual. Two sessions with students, and although I keep them to 45 mins instead of 75 mins, I have been sitting at the desk and on the computer for quite a while.

I captioned a video for my Korean history class. I forgot to record the session yesterday (remember?) and because I deem the info important, I decided to record a catch-up session. Being a good citizen, I also ordered captions and then edited them. I’m not going to edit them for the full-length class sessions, because it takes too much time. As the wonderful Meggin said, “OK practices are for now, best practices are for later”. If anybody needs them (ADA compliance), they’ll need to tell me and I will work with the Office of Disability Services, it but I don’t have the time to do this while doing everything else.

I got my flute out (yay!), and it sucked: it shows I haven’t touched the poor thing since my lesson last week Tuesday. Ah, those were the days, before we knew we were going remote. I kinda miss those days. I cooked a nice steak, and had half a glass of wine. I also went for a long walk, so I got my step count in for today. It’s quiet on the streets. That’s a good thing.

I listened during my walk to the latest Knitmore Girls podcast. It’s a great show. The only segment that rubbed me a bit the wrong way is the one where they explained all the things you can do now you’re stuck at home, to cheer you up a bit. I don’t know about anybody else, but I have less time than I used to. (It’s 10.35pm, and I still have to get my pomodoro of research productivity in and Covid19 won’t break my streak unless I end up in the ICU. Which in my age bracket is not beyond possibility, scarily enough.) Everything takes twice as long to set up, to arrange, to explain, to check. Mistakes take longer to rectify. Students need assurance that no, they won’t get docked points if they can’t make it to the Zoom session because they have technical trouble. And yeah, it’s a new set-up and it’s all confusing. I explained it to one student as having to start the semester all over again. Remember what it was like to have to learn to use the blog? and and the flow of class? and all the confusion that happened then? That seemed to reassure her that we will figure this out. Because everything about my courses is “figureoutable”, but we have a mid-semester restart. And that takes time, too. So nope, no time for long languishing projects. Only the jigsaw for some brief moments, because it is not staring at a screen. This weekend, I want to bake bread (I need to eat!), and I want to knit, but I don’t know if that will happen.

So now I’m going to get my 25mins of research in. And then I’ll have a good night’s sleep. And tomorrow is another day in the trenches at the worldwide Covid19 Campus. Good night, sleep tight!

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