LAST DAY to request a W (withdrawal) or I (incomplete) is TODAY (April 30)
I’m happy to grant you either, and work out a plan with you for an Incomplete. For an Incomplete, you are asked to fill out a form to help the Dean of Academic Life keep track.
Regular extensions, to submit coursework beyond my May 4 deadline, are available by email request. The very last day to submit any coursework is May 8. Why? I need the weekend for grading: you want to make sure I give your work the time and attention it deserves.
This is the final briefing! 😀
Congrats! You made it through the semester from hell! (sorry not sorry; there is no other way to describe what the past eight weeks did to all your professors’ plans to bring you the best teaching this College has to offer.)
I’m really proud of how you’ve all managed to hang in there, in one way or another. It’s been a really rough ride for some of you, but I am committed to get you all across the finish line, and preferably in style! It was a pleasure and an honor to teach you in what are officially the strangest times I have lived through (and I once spent 5 days in North Korea, so that’s saying something!)
What was (were) your favorite briefing “extra(s)” at the top of the daily briefing in the past weeks? I’d love to hear! You can leave anonymous comments on the Pads connected to your course, if you’re too shy to share via email 😀
- Zoom session at 4pm: (link under the pink header on Canvas Homepage): It’s the final one, please be there! I’d love to see you all, even if you can’t stay long. Be ready to share your favorite texts, and the ones you can live without!
- If the chapters you’re supposed to review (see this Google sheet) haven’t materialized yet, please do your fellow students a favor: reach out to the author and ask them if they have something to share; and find a chapter without feedback comments and provide some feedback. If you’re struggling to write your chapter, reading others’ work will give you a better idea of the possibilities.
- Final reflection is due with all the rest of the course work, check out the details on the week 15 page.
- Get your drafts up, or revise your first draft.
- Please make sure to give feedback on each others’ chapters, it benefits the final product. Check the google sheet and if those chapters haven’t materialized yet, please do your fellow students a favor: reach out to the author and ask them if they have something to share; and find a chapter without feedback comments and provide some feedback. If you’re struggling to write your chapter, reading others’ work will give you a better idea of the possibilities.
- Final reflection is due with all the rest of the course work, check out the details on the week 15 page.
- Zoom session at 1pm: (pink link on Canvas Homepage): please try to be there! We’ll look back on the course, and be ready to share your favorite texts, and the ones you can live without!
- Final reflection is due with all the rest of the course work, check out the details on the week 15 page.