Good morning, historians of East Asia!
Do you procrastinate? You’re not alone! While I am tempted by perfecting the art of productive procrastination (putting off one thing by doing another that also needs to be done), I think it is more useful to understand what procrastination is, and why “just do it” doesn’t quite work. I found these useful articles that explain the situation, and how you may be able to create strategies that work. (Go on, procrastinate on today’s work by reading about the Instant Gratification Monkey and the Panic Monster. Also available as plush toys. No affiliation)
- Keep plugging away at your final project! You may add it to Pressbooks. Check out whose chapter you should provide feedback for in this Google Sheet, by Monday. If the chapter isn’t there: email them a friendly request with your offer of assistance, and/or go through another chapter. Use the Examples Textbox, as demonstrated in this video.
- 11.30am OPTIONAL Zoom Session (pink header link on Canvas Homepage), if you want to talk more about the course contents for this week. I’ll run it as an informal, free-flowing conversation.
- (anytime before midnight): Final project bite 6: First full draft of the final project, on Pressbooks. (Link to video tutorials for Pressbooks editing, and adding media)
- (before midnight): submit your Primary Source Analysis 2 and Optional Response Paper if you want to get feedback.
- If you have time and energy to help out: add yourself to the peer feedback list of volunteers (Google Sheet); check the box for Yes, and list how many you think you want to handle (“max 1” is fine).