Good morning, historians of East Asia!
Hang in there, we’re almost through with this semester! Remember to reach out if you need support! I followed my own good advice earlier this week, and I feel a ton better for knowing there are people who’ve got my back. And I’ve got yours ❤️
Drop ins on Zoom: 11am-12pm, Green Link on your Canvas homepage. (I keep forgetting to add these to the daily briefings, but they are the regular times of Tue 2-3, Wed. 1-2, Thu 11-12), and you can always check in my email signature too.
HST107: 4pm OPTIONAL Zoom session (link under the pink header on Canvas Homepage): if you want to talk more about the course contents for this week. I can also field questions about the final project.
HST259: woot! Nothing on the program for today, so keep working on your final project!
HST267: optional Zoom session 1pm: (pink link on Canvas Homepage): if you want to talk more about the course contents for this week. I can also field questions about assignments.