Good morning, historians of East Asia!
Today I want to offer you a simple writing tip that will make your writing accessible in one (maybe two) easy step(s): add dates for dynasties, time periods, people you mention.
Why? Even a rough date, for instance “When the Tale of Genji was written in the early eleventh century,..” will immediately help your reader to navigate time and space a bit better. Additionally, it may help you, too, by clarifying the timeline, and you may see connections, continuities and logical inconsistencies more easily. A sloppy timeline may end up alleging a person, text or event had an influence on something that actually happened earlier. You can’t bend time in history!
HST107:(anytime before midnight) Project Bite 6: First full draft of the final project on Pressbooks. Check the video tutorials how to edit and how to add media.
HST259: Zoom session 11.30am (pink header link on Canvas Homepage): Editorial meeting for the textbook! Let’s discuss the sequence of the chapters, and I can talk you through the basics of Pressbooks.
HST267: (anytime before midnight) Peer feedback! Please check on the course page for this week to find two blogs to provide feedback with in the group.