Good morning, historians of East Asia!
Based on what I see on the check-in whiteboards at the start of sessions, and because this aligns with my own experience at the moment, I can safely conclude we’re really in the deepest darkest time of the semester. These final couple of weeks are never easy, and without the excitement of the spring semester’s on-campus activities it’s only worse. Instead we’re stuck with the constant background worries of the virus, and we’re all feeling it.
I have made an executive decision that next week (=week 14) will be optional: you can join me for some “book club style” chats about course materials that will be made available for the week, if you have and the inclination to do so. Otherwise: please spend the week working on your final project, your primary source analysis and/or response paper, as well as catching up on your blog posts and maybe even sprucing up your blog (as in: maybe change the theme from the standard cactus plant to something that’s more “you”?)
More details will follow in the weekly schedule! I hope many of you will join me anyway to talk a bit more about China, Korea or Japan, but only come if you can promise me it’s not going to stress you out!
Schedule for the day:
- HST107: During the weekend, please send me your outline of the project. That’s bite 5 of the Final Project bites.
- If you’ve not yet sent in an annotated bibliography (bite 4), please do so: it helps me to help you!
- HST267: Start thinking about your primary source analysis 2, and check if you’ve done your encyclopedia entry yet. If you want to talk about materials for the response paper, we can do so on Tuesday, so have a look through whatever text you’d like to cover.
- Weekly reflection on materials from week 14 will be due on Monday night. That’s the last one, so check on your blog you have 11 reflections in total for the semester.
- HST259: Zoom session 11.30am (pink header link on Canvas Homepage): “regular class”: we will go into more detail about the course materials for the week, based on the discussions.
- (anytime before midnight) Bite 5 of your final project: An outline of your project.
- If you’ve not yet sent in an annotated bibliography (bite 4), please do so: it helps me to help you!