Choices choices!
That title makes it sound more exciting than the choices I am faced with: if my throat is doing what I usually take as the sign of the start of a common cold, but I have not been in touch with humans for weeks, where would I have picked it up? So, these are my choices:
- It’s somehow a common cold after all. (Hey, possibly a coronavirus! Just not the novel one)
- It’s a strain from speaking too much, too loud in yesterday’s Zoom sessions.
- It’s allergies. I’ve never had allergies but if you live long enough in the Valley you get them, and it’s my third spring. And I spent all of the above Zoom sessions outside, an entire afternoon of breathing in pollen.
- I’m stressed and somehow it’s settled on my throat and tonsils.
- It’s The One. (meep!) I’m not sure. I am generally below average temperature and I run a bit higher today. But then the weather is warmer, and I was wearing a warm jumper earlier. I’ll keep monitoring and won’t go anywhere for a while! But I have no idea where I would have picked it up. Either I breathed it in during a run, or it was 15 days ago during a supermarket visit.
I’ve tidied up the course sites and links to videos a bit. I’d better make sure over the next few days to set up my courses so they can run without me for a bit, just in case… The way I usually work means that there is a lot of last minute decision making from my side, and that hasn’t changed with having to figure out how to make things suitable for remote teaching/learning.
Be prepared. But I never was a boyscout.
At least there was a nice rainbow today: